H3N2: Strict monitoring by the Centre, know how deadly the virus is संघीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने देश...
The government issued a warning about this painkiller.. भारतीय फार्माकोपिया कमीशन (आईपीसी) ने दर्दनिवारक एमफैटल के लिए...
Domestic and foreign suppliers of medicines and gaming supplies to MBA LLB students, PG and colleges. नोएडा...
Mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China has closed hospitals and schools, could a Corona-like epidemic be coming? चीन...
Do you eat chocolate, be careful, चॉकलेट उत्पादों पर हुए अध्ययन में सात श्रेणियों के करीब 48...
What is the meaning of ointment and plaster? And where did these two words come from? मरहम...
World Spine Day 2023 कमर दर्द की समस्या आम हो चुकी है जिससे हर दूसरा व्यक्ति परेशान...
Why is rock salt eaten during fasting? Sendha Namak Benefits देशभर में इस समय नवरात्र की धूम...
World Anaesthesia Day 2023: ‘वर्ल्ड एनेस्थीसिया डे’ हर साल 16 अक्टूबर को मनाया जाता है. मेडिकल भाषा...
Shubman Gill recovered from dengue, expert doctors gave the answer Shubman Gill Latest Health Update: भारत के वर्ल्ड...